recommended reading


I love reading; I especially love reading books that help educate me in areas I am not that knowledgable. All the books listed below are books I’ve read and learned something valuable from each of them. Here are the books I love that have helped me on my financial journey, whether budgeting, investing, or just adulting in general.

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The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy is a great book. Small, consistent changes in behavior, mindset, you name it… can yield great results. This book definitely tops the list of books I love.


New Minimalism: Decluttering and Design for Sustainable Living by Kyle Louise Quilici and Cary Telander Fortin is a simple, straightforward approach to minimalism. I enjoyed reading this book and their insights on the practical implementation of minimalism.



Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is an interesting, educational read on the different lessons the rich teach their kids that the poor and middle class don’t. You don’t have to agree with everything he says or feel like it’s right for you to implement in your life to see why the gap between the classes is growing. Personally I’m not a fan of debt.


The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey was one of the first personal finance/debt payoff books I read. It literally jump-started our financial journey!


WEIRD: Because Normal isn’t Working by Craig Groeschel is another great debt-free read from a Christian perspective. It is now available as a small group study complete with workbooks, a leader guide, and DVD!

Stay tuned! This page will no doubt grow and evolve as my financial journey continues! These are just a few of the books I love I’ve read. There are plenty more to be read! What are some books you’ve read and loved that helped you on your financial journey or just adulting in general? I’m always looking for a good read.


Devotional/Spiritual Development

Wait and See by Wendy Pope – My sister kept recommending this book to me last year and I finally bought the Kindle book. It was definitely worth reading and she definitely recommended it at the right time.

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